Geverey Chambertin 1er Cru Combe aux Moines・Fourrier・2016

Product name: Gevrey Chambertemple Premier Cru Combe Haut Moine

Producer name: Fourrier

Variety: pinot noir

Region: France > Burgundy

Category: red

Capacity: 750ml

CHF 297.00
CHF 297.00

(The following is from the importer materials)
The current owner Jean-Marie Fourier, in order to reinstate the name "Domaine Fourier",
Trained at Henri Jayet for 5 years and then under Drouhin in Oregon, and established a domaine at the young age of 37. <br>I inherited it.

The fields that have been inherited are special grade, and about 70% of the owned area is grade 1, making use of the blessed environment.
As he calls himself a ``terroirist'' (= expressing the land), the wine produced is the life of Burgundy. <br>This is a classic, good old Burgundy that is characterized by ``elegant acidity'' and ``minerals.''

Cultivated is Rutte Raisonné. We ensure a low yield and select the grapes when they are on the tree.

This Combe au Moine is a first class field located on the hill of Combes de Lavaux.
A highly rated field located next to Kazutier.

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A prestigious and extremely difficult to obtain product that boasts a history of over a century.

Domaine Fourier is a prestigious family that has been in business since the mid-19th century, with its headquarters in Gevrey-Chambertin. The wines we produce are produced in very small quantities and sought after by connoisseurs all over the world, making them extremely difficult to obtain.

Approximately 70% of all owned fields are special or first-class fields that have been owned for generations, and in addition to Gevrey-Chambertin, there are 9.5 hectares of land in Moret-Saint-Denis, Chambolle-Musigny, and Vougeot. I own a field.

The current head of the family is Jean-Marie Fourier, a young and passionate man born in 1971. After graduating from Beaune's Wine Agricultural High School, Jean-Marie, who is the fifth generation, attended a brewing course at the University of Burgundy and learned winemaking while helping his father with his work. In 1988, he spent six months studying winemaking under the late Henri Jayer, who is still hailed as the god of Burgundy. In 1993, he traveled to Oregon, USA, to learn about American Pinot Noir production from the master Joseph Drouhin.

In this way, Fourier's wines, which have studied not only Burgundy but also Pinot Noir around the world, have a common characteristic of ``complex and powerful, but also soft and soothing taste.'' The mysterious taste is created by his way of thinking about winemaking.

Calling himself a ``terroirist'' (a term coined by terroir supremacists), he strives to express the purity of terroir and the noble grape variety Pinot Noir, saying, ``I don't imitate anyone else, I have my own winemaking and philosophy.'' I am. Fourier's goal is to create wine in the early 20th century, where nature is left to its own power, rather than relying on advanced technology to control nature. By brewing high-potential grapes that have stored the nutrients of the earth with as little human intervention as possible, we create wines with a strong terroir flavor.